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Action Immediate Execution Feature

What is the Action Immediate Execution Feature?

The Action Immediate Execution Feature allows you to immediately execute pre-configured actions directly from the WordPress admin panel.
You can directly execute specific actions even outside of trigger events or scenario executions.
This can be used when you need to test action execution, modify user states, or perform other operational tasks.

Example Use Cases

  • Retrieving user information
  • Testing action execution
  • Starting scenarios for specified audiences
  • Assigning tags to users

How to Use

  1. Open "Action Execution" from the LINE Connect menu in the WordPress admin panel
  2. Select a saved audience from the list or create a new one
  3. Select a saved action from the list or create a new one
  4. Click the "Execute" button to run the action


For details about audiences, please see here


For details about action flows, please see here