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You can configure various settings from the side menu under “LINE Connect” > “Settings”.


Multiple channels are supported. You can select which channel you would like to be notified from when posting in the LINE Notifications meta box.

item namedescription
Channel nameChannel name
Channel access tokenchannel access token (long-lived)
Channel SecretChannel Secret
Default target roleDefault selected role in the Send LINE meta box
The number of peopleNumber of people to be notified by the selected role or setting
Rich menu ID for linked usersRich Menu for Linked Friends
Rich menu ID for unlinked usersRich menu for unlinked friends
Rich menu ID for (role name)Rich menu for Role name

You can change the login page URL, keywords for starting or canceling the linking, and messages when starting or canceling the linking.

Automatically initiate linkage

Automatically initiate linkage When user add an official account as a friend.

Update Notification

Post types

Select the post type for which you wish to display the Send Line meta box: in addition to the "Post" and "Page" that exist by default in Wordpress, you can also select a custom post type added by Custom Post Type UI or yourself.

Default value of "Send update notification" checkbox

This is the default value setting for the "Send update notifications checkbox on the article edit screen. The options are "Checked", "Unchecked", and "Unchecked if published".

The display string for the link that will appear at the bottom of the post notification. The label to be displayed in place of the URL, such as "Read more".

Send notification to posters when comments are received

This setting determines whether or not notifications will be sent to the author of the article when there are comments on the article. The author's WordPress account must be linked to LINE.

The display string for the link that appears at the bottom of the comment notification.


You can change the styles of the LINE message notifications.

Image fit mode

  • cover: The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the image area. If the image's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of its area, then the image will be clipped to fit.
  • contain: The replaced image is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the image area. The entire image is made to fill the box, while preserving its aspect ratio, so the image will be "letterboxed" if its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the area.

Image area aspect ratio

The aspect ratio of the image area. For example, 16:9, 4:3, 3:2
The height cannot be greater than three times the width. By matching the aspect ratio of frequently used futured images, the margins will not be cropped.

Background color of the message

The background color of the entire message. It is not possible in the current version to specify the image, title, body, and link areas individually.

  • Button: button style.
  • Link: HTML link style

The color of each area. Font size, typeface, bold type, etc. cannot be changed!.

Max title lines and Max body lines

The maximum number of lines for the title and body text. If this number is exceeded, it will be omitted with an ellipsis (...). (Android/iOS only) Even if the maximum number of lines is not exceeded, the part exceeding 500 characters will be omitted and sent.

AI Chat

Using the Chat GPT API, you can set up AI to automatically respond to messages sent to LINE official accounts.

Auto response by AI

Whether or not to use AI auto-response. Enable to use.

OpenAI API Key

Enter your OpenAI API key to use the Chat GPT API, which can be obtained Open AI website.


Which model to use.

System prompt

The initial text or instruction provided to the language model before interacting with it in a conversational manner.

Function Calling

whether Function Calling is used or not. When enabled, predefined functions can be used to return site-specific information, etc.

Functions to use

Function to be enabled by Function Calling. Only a select function is used.

Available functions

  • Get my user information Information about the user who sent the message is retrieved and used in the response.
  • Get the current date and time Current date and time are used in the response.
  • Search posts Function to respond based on the content of posts on the site. Searches for posts and retrieves content in your site.

Number of context

Chow many conversation histories to use in order to have the AI understand the context and respond. A larger number increases the number of tokens used.

Max tokens

Maximum number of tokens to use. -1 is the upper limit of the model.


The temperature parameter. The higher the value, the more diverse words are likely to be selected. Between 0 and 1.

Limit for unlinked users

Number of times an unlinked user can use it per day. -1 is unlimited.

Limit for linked users

Number of times an linked user can use it per day. -1 is unlimited.

Limit message

This message is displayed when the number of times the limit can be used in a day is exceeded. The %limit% is replaced by the limit number of times.


Update Rich Menu List

This button is used when updating the rich menu list via the API or other means, and deleting the cache of the rich menu list held by LINE Connect to reflect the update.