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Update notification

This is a way to send LINE users notifications of updates to articles posted on WordPress.

How to send update notification

Select the post type you want to be notified about

  1. select post type you want to be notified about from the Post Types in the Update Notification tab. Custom post types are also supported.

When posting

  1. on the post edit screen, the "LINE Connect" box will appear in the right column, and if you want to be notified, check the "Send update notification" checkbox.
    *If you have checked, notifications will be sent not only of new posts published, but also posts updated.
    *If you check the "Send when a future post is published" checkbox and save it, notifications will be sent to LINE when the future posts are published.
  2. If a post has an futured image, notifications will be sent with the image.
  3. From the "Send target:" list, select the users to be notified by LINE from "All Friends", "Linked Friends", and each of the roles. You can select multiple targets.

How to Specify Channels and Roles from the REST API

If you would like to have LINE Connect send LINE notifications when posting articles from the REST API, please add the following keys and values to the JSON data.

"the first four characters of the secret":"Role name (if there are multiple roles, separate them with ",")"

Screen shots

LINE messages are displayed like this:

You can also customize link text, background color, and thumbnail aspect ratio.